"Fast is fine, but accuracy is final. In a gun fight. You need to take your time in a hurry."
- Wyatt Earp
Defensive Handgun Training
David is the creator of the Defensive Handgun DVD series that was sold for many years at major retailers. His knowledge comes from Military and professional training around the globe. He is a distinguished graduate of many formal firearms courses which include handgun, rifle, shotgun and the UZI sub machine gun. He is a student of firearms and defensive tactics and is continually learning. His methods are simple to understand and learn. These videos can help you operate a handgun safely and get good hits by exercising propper sight picture, sight alighment and trigger control.
Combat Shooting Drill 3 Mags x 10 Rounds 3 Yards
Featuring a Glock G19X with iron sights shooing 3 mags 10 rounds each, reloading each time at 3 yards. This drill is designed to build muscle memory in trigger control, sight alignment, sight picture, reloading and safe handgun manipulation. More at www.davidburnell.com and the targets can be found on Etsy at www.opszilla.com
Firearms Safety Rules
The Secrets To Great Shootng
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I moved my business next door to David over 10 years ago. Over the 6 years we spent as neighbors I had the privilege of getting to know David Burnell. He was there for me through good times and bad. David has given me invaluable council and life changing advise on so many occasions. When facing hardship with my business David encouraged me to let go of my stubbornness, humble myself take advantage of different opportunities. That advise set me on the path that made me the man I am today. I believe that I was placed in David’s path because our Heavenly Father knew that I needed his no nonsense and honest guidance.
For 10 years I have taken every opportunity to learn from David Burnell - live talks, seminars, YouTube videos, podcasts, DVD’s, and David has been my defensive handgun instructor for 6 years. I guess you could say “I’m a huge fan”. People say that you should never meet your hero's because you will be disappointed. This will never be the case with David Burnell. In fact: David Burnell’s example, instruction, and friendship have meant everything to me. I look forward to seeing what David will teach us next. - Jared Evans